Get in control of your beet pricing

CZ is the first and only company in Europe that allows sugar beet growers to take advantage of the futures market.
With CZ's pricing platform, you can take control of your crop's price and achieve better returns.

How it works

You sign up for the programme and agree to sell a percentage of your crop outside the annual fixed price, using the futures market.

The futures linked price is calculated many times daily, using the current global price of sugar.

You can sell your futures linked beet at any time during the pricing window.

If the price of sugar on the futures market goes up, you can choose to sell your crop at that price for more returns.

If the price of sugar on the futures market goes down, you will still get the price you agreed to when you signed up for the programme.


  • Get a higher price for your crop than the fixed price offered by the processor
  • Secure your crop price early in the season
  • Take advantage of the futures market
  • Get expert advice from our pricing specialists

Speak to our sugar pricing specialist

Book a consultation with us today to find our how much more you could make from your crop.

For me, the transparency of the platform allows me to see the value of the sugar I am growing in my crop and make independent pricing decisions based on that data.

This control over my pricing and visibility of the market allows me the flexibility to lock in prices at a time that suits my other business decisions and to take responsibility for the risk the market offers.

Michael Sly NFU Sugar board chairman

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