• This week, only 200kmt were nominated in CS for December.
  • It is the slowest week so far in the season.
  • December line up stands at 1.7mmt.

CS Brazil Exports


  • Around 200kmt of raws were nominated this week in CS, taking total December nomination to 1.7mmt.
  • It is the slowest week of nominations this season.
  • If the slow pace is sustained over the next days, exports in December could fall short of expectations.
  • Still, could be the strongest December on record.

  • Terminals in Santos have been operating well, without delays.
  • Slight increase in waiting time to berth in Tiplam and Rumo, but still close to average.


  • One vessel for Algeria, with 46kmt.
  • And apparently one nomination to Japan, which would be the first since 2012.
  • For more details on Brazilian exports, have a look at our interactive data: Global Shipments. 

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Ana Zancaner

Ana graduated from Insper University Sao Paulo in 2013, with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She joined CZ as an intern in 2013 and is now our senior analyst in our Sao Paulo office. At CZ she is responsible mainly for analysis of the Brazilian sugar and ethanol sector but supporting other consulting requests as well.

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