- This week, the main offtaker of Brazilian sugar was Algeria with 90kmt nominated.
- Nominations this week totalled 600kmt.
- November line up stands at 2.5mmt.
CS Brazil Exports
- Preliminary recap for October shows that 3.15mmt of raws were exported last month.
- This is a record for CS raws exports.
- November now stands with 2.5mmt, after the volume roiled from October and this week’s nominations.
- Despite the strong volumes added to the line up over the past month, the waiting time to berth remains low.
- Terminals are operating with a high efficiency and more capacity turned to sugar.
- How terminals operate is of extreme importance, since Santos is the main port for raw sugar supply.
- Out of the new nominations this week, 90kmt are for Algeria – Q4 offtake now stands at 360kmt.
- One vessel for China, with 77kmt.
- And further 70kmt for Indonesia.
- For more details on Brazilian exports, have a look at our interactive data: Global Shipments.
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