Today No.11 opened at 20.57, up 4 points from previous settlement. Market saw some weakness after opening which led prices to 20.40 around 9h15am, and further down to 20.30 at 11h30am. Negative sentiment still acted during the next hour until daily low, registered at 12h30pm, with market trading at 20.15. During the afternoon market saw recovery, and by 2 pm when prices were traded at 20.30, stronger buying volumes took place and made market go beyond opening levels. Constructive market moves were seen during the whole afternoon until half an hour before closing. Daily high was reached at 5h30pm and was followed by a strong 2.5k lots liquidation that erased most of the afternoon gains. Market closed at 20.63. Settlement price was 20.60, up 7 points from previous session. Spreads weakened, specially H4K4, which closed at 0.21, down 8 points. Volume traded was 40.5k lots.

 Today whites market opened at $595, $4.8 up from Friday’s settlement. Weakness was registered during the morning when just after the opening, market traded down to$590. Further losses were recorded during the 2 following hours, trading at $589 near 11am, and down to daily low at 12pm, when whites traded at $584.9. Market traded near daily low from about an hour and some recovery started to be seen during the afternoon, by 2pm market was back to $589, and by 3pm, had recovered opening levels. Market wet to the gain’s territory afterwards, when at 4pm registered daily high trading at $60. Sideways movement was seen until minutes preceding close, when big volumes forced market down back to the 595 zone, to close valued at 594.4. Settlement price was 594.6, a $4.4 move from Friday’s settlement. Volume traded was 9.3k lots and H4H4 white premium closed valued at $140.25.

Jon Whybrow

Jon joined CZ in 1991, working in the Treasury department before moving to join the derivatives team in 1994. Over 30 years Jon has built up significant experience across derivatives markets and products, particularly sugar, and is now Head of Flow derivatives providing market execution services for CZ’s global client base. He is responsible for the market commentaries which are published each day on CZ app.

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