Opinions Focus

  • Half of planting is done, 30% of sugarcane in mill area has been crushed.
  • Sugar content is on the rise, and the crop is better than expected.
  • Rain is likely to delay harvesting in the district.

What are you up to on the farm at present?

Currently it’s a very busy time on our farm as our harvest and planting are in full swing. I am halfway through planting and the local mill area is approaching 30% of cane crushed to date.

What stage is your crop at?

The sugarcane is at a good stage with the sugar content on the rise, which is a very positive outcome for the crop in our current season.

What are your biggest concerns at present?

My biggest concerns at present are milling performance and the weather.

Looking out the window today I can see heavy clouds building and there is rain predicted for the weekend, not excessive rain but it’s likely to affect harvesting in the district.

Mackay Sugar had two very good weeks recently which helped to keep us optimistic but last week the mill stopped crushing for five days. This is concerning for the rest of the harvest. We’re possibly looking at a finish date in January because of the wet weather events this year and the ongoing mill performance challenges, that is a much later finish date than previous years.

What are you most proud of/ doing differently this year?

My new role as a CANEGROWERS Board member is exciting and interesting. This month we had a Board meeting, it’s great to get to better understanding of the role of CANEGROWERS as a voice for our growers.

I am still getting used to this role, but I am enjoying getting my teeth into the position and all that comes with being a representative for our industry.

I’m also proud of my crop this season, it’s better than I’d anticipated.


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