No.11 market opened with Oct’22 at 17.94, 15 points below Friday’s settlement. Until 9h15am, the market printed a bearish session, when prices reached the 17.82 levels and slowly started to show some recovery from 9h15am until noon, when the market registered its daily high at 18.09. After hitting that point, prices started to go down again trading at the 17.90 range when around 2 pm, a big seller brought the market it’s daily low at 17.77. At 2h30pm, buying power took place again, leading the market to trade between the 17.86 – 17.97 range. In the last trading hours, prices bounced between 17.92 and 18.00. The settlement price was 17.94, -0.15, a -0.83% change from the previous settlement. Oct 22 registered 42k lots of volume, and the V22/H23 spread closed at +0.02.


Today white sugar market opened with some loss, Oct’22 was at 547.10 (-3 USD/Mt). During the morning, following the overnight movement, the market kept falling reaching 540. Around 10:00 am, the market printed an upward movement recovering Friday levels, and at 1:27 pm it reached 550.40 , bouncing in similar levels until the early afternoon when a sequence of sellers volume brought the prices down again to 544.80 then establishing in 546 – 549 range until the last minutes when a bullish hike led the Oct’22 to reach the daily maximum at 550.9 and close at 549.50, a decrease of 0.60 USD/Mt (-0.11%) against Friday close, with the White premium at 154.43 , and the Oct/Dec’22 spread at 33.5.
