Insight Focus

  • Rain stops many cane farmers in McKay district from harvesting
  • Cane harvest in district way above forecast
  • Concerned about rain delaying planting



In this series, we’re following farmers around the world. We’ll look at what they’re up to on the farm, hear their concerns, and celebrate their triumphs. Here’s the link to the farmers’ bios in case you missed them.


What Are You Up to On the Farm at Present?

We had a lot of rain at the start of the month and many areas of the Mackay district have still been unable to harvest because of the wet conditions. Personally, I have been able to get out in the fields again and back into prepping for planting, but the ground is still very soggy, and it won’t take too much for any future rain to put everything back on hold.

To put this interruption to our harvest in perspective, in July 2021 we had 4.8 millimetres of rain whereas this July 171.8 mm were recorded.


What Stage is Your Crop At?

The sugarcane is mature but the wet field conditions and poor mill performance are causing no end of delays. This year’s crop is outstanding, and the Mackay sugar area is cutting 118% of the cane estimate.


What Are Your Biggest Concerns at Present?

My biggest concern at present is harvesting the crop and getting the planting completed in the current window of fine weather. We just don’t need any more rain in what is supposed to be our dry winter season.

What Are You Doing Differently This Year?

In 2020 I purchased a neighbouring farm that wasn’t producing all that well, I’m proud of the work I have done to turn that around. It has taken time and it’s not complete, it’s a five-year project, but it looks promising and I am optimistic about the future of that farmland.

I am also proud of this year’s crop, it looks great.


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