Main focus

  • Eletrobras’ privatization schedule, after approval of the privatization model by the Investment Partnership Program Council (CPPI) is up to date.
  • Included in this schedule is the approval of the parameters for setting the prices of the Angra 3 nuclear plant.
  • In the oil and gas sector, the balance is unbalanced: increase in prices and sales, but decline in production.

A little here, a little there, and the week comes to an end.

A week of discussions on broad fronts and involving different segments in the energy sector.

But for the sector week to finish updated, only after the MegaWhat newsletter. So separates your coffee and comes to stay in the know about everything that happened.

Everything is up to date for the Eletrobras privatization schedule, after the approval of the privatization model by the Investment Partnership Program Council (CPPI).


Included in this schedule is the approval of the parameters for setting the prices of the Angra 3 nuclear power plant and, since we are talking about nuclear, it is worth checking the sanction of the law that creates a regulatory body for the industry in the segment.

For next year, the privatization of the last branch of CEEE, the generation branch, has already had the conditions and values established for the new concessionaires.


As we mentioned in the last edition, the 2021 water crisis brought new models to the market, whether in terms of power supply or for the balance of the sector’s accounts.

And not only the period of water shortage, but also the post-pandemic of covid-19, making adjustments to the rules in force until then necessary.

