Friday arrived and everyone is waiting for the weekend, we will explain all the calculations so you can start your day calmly and stay on top of the news about Brazil Energy Market.

To start with, four articles produced based on the analysis of our partner MegaWhat about meteorology, prices and water crisis, in addition to the short to long term electricity panorama.


Sectoral associations also analyzed the costs of the provisional measure 1,055, presented by federal deputy Adolfo Viana (PSDB-BA). The text included the financing of gas pipeline infrastructure, extension of the incentive to mineral coal, in addition to provisions for the free market, extension of contracts and postponement of discounts.

We also had the calculations for the registration of projects for the simplified reserve auction, which was scheduled for October 25, and for the additional offer of thermal plants and the industry’s voluntary reduction. In addition, new working groups were approved by the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE).

In the Brazilian oil and gas sector, the accounts did not close very well. The long-awaited auction of the 17th round of the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel (ANP) did not attract so much interest from the market. Outside Brazil, oil production increased, as did prices.
