• Cane harvested from now on is expected to show lower yields.
  • Crop could end sooner than expected.
  • Concerns for 21/22 are also on the table.

Summary Table 2H September 


Record Crush Levels 

  • The dry weather of the lasts 6 months has favoured the operationalization of the sugarcane harvest.
  • Until the end of September, mills were able to achieve a record crush of 500mmt for the period – and 5.3% ahead yoy
  • Additionally, the amount of sugar content in the cane in a max sugar scenario has contributed to a cumulative sugar production of 32mmt – again, another record.

CS Cumulative Sugar Production – Until September CS sugar output has reached 32mmt


The Dry Spell Continues 

  • Until September, cumulative rains in CS Brazil were 40% below historical average.

Monthly Rains in CS Brazil – This has been a significant dry season


  • Although, dry weather is good for the quality of the cane – allowing a higher sugar concentration – it can hinder development.


  • With such high temperature and lack of rains, it is expected a decrease in the ag. yield for the cane harvest from now onwards;
  • Furthermore,the insufficiency of rains in recent months delays and compromises cane development for the 21/22
  • This sugarcane field below was harvest in June:
    • We can see some parts of the field that have not even grown;
    • And the parts of the field that did grown should be bigger by now in normal weather conditions.

  • In summary:
    • The 20/21 crop could end earlier than expected,
    • Plant development delay can affect yields and the harvest calendar for next season.

Ethanol Market

  • Hydrous sales by the mills registered,1.73 bi litres in September, 13% decrease yoy.
  • The retraction observed in September was below the values registered until now
  • This indicates a slowly recovery of consumption of the biofuels.

CS Monthly Hydrous Domestic Sales – slow recovery
