- The Indian monsoon is normal this year.
- Rainfall in the key cane state of Maharashtra is above average, with the best rainfall in the west of the state.
- However, we remain concerned about water availability further east, especially because irrigation reservoirs are dry.
Rainfall Performance in Key Districts
- Indian monsoon rainfall is important for cane growth in Maharashtra and Karnataka, which together account for 30% of total cane acreage.
- This is because cane here is irrigated primarily from rain-dependent reservoirs, or is un-irrigated.
- Cane in Uttar Pradesh tends to be less dependent on monsoon rainfall.
Monsoon Rainfall inMajor Indian Sugarcane States
- Rainfall in Maharashtra has been steadily increasing over the last two weeks from 0% to 10% above normal levels.
Maharashtra (Sugarcane Regions) – Monsoon Rainfall
- Torrential rains in Pune have led cumulative rainfall double normal levels.
- However, rains are disappointing in Solapur but have improved slightly from a 50% deficit to 43% deficit.
MH & KN Reservoir Levels
- We expect a 40% decline in Maharashtra’s production due to the key reservoirs being dry since March.
- Jakaywadi and Ujjani reservoirs which account for the irrigation of the majority of MH’s cane area are still dry.
- Water levels by August could give an indication on whether monsoon rains could reduce the impact of the earlier dry months.