• With 17.5 million Cbios emitted, the market expectation is that all distributors should meet their targets for 2020.
  • Around 70% of the Cbio requirements were bought by distributors so far.
  • With less than a month for the deadline, this could push prices higher.

Supply vs Demand  

  • Up till now more than 17 million of Cbios were emitted, above the target required for the distributors of 14.5 million.
  • Still, Unica forecasts the total emission could surpass 18mi – a volume well above the target needed from the distributors.


  • Until 7th December, 10.3 million CBIOs were bought by distributors – 71% of this year target.
  • Considering the deadline of 31st of December, demand could pick up in the coming weeks.
  • This could help push Cbio prices higher.

Latest Updates  

  • The past two months saw Cbio prices reach a record of BRL64.6/Cbio to then fall back to under BRL40/Cbio
  • One of the reasons for the retraction was request filed by a group of distributors to decrease another 25% of this years’ targets – remember that the 2020 target was already cut down 50%. 
  • The request was overruled, maintaining the current targets for all distributors.


  • However, we have not seen the end of the story yet.
  • Changes in the program are still requested by distributors and are currently under analysis.
  • Among them are price ceiling for Cbios, requirement targets for the Cbio emitters and possibility of other entities emitting Cbios.

A Brief Reminder: What is RenovaBio?

  • RenovaBio is the Brazilian national program of biofuels launched in 2016
  • The program’s main instrument is, in conformity with the Paris Agreement, the establishment of annual national decarbonization targets for the fuel sector.
  • The national targets will be broken into mandatory individual targets for fuel distributors
  • To meet their target, the fuel distributors will need to buy Cbios certificates in the stock exchange
  • Each CBIO emitted by biofuel producers corresponds to one ton of carbon that is no longer emitted into the atmosphere.

