- This week, the main offtaker of Brazilian sugar was UAE with 210kmt nominated.
- So far, 3mmt of raws have sailed in October from CS.
- November line up stands at 1mmt.
CS Brazil Exports
- Around 850kmt of raws were nominated this week in CS.
- This takes the total volume for November up to 1mmt.
- Waiting time remains low and with terminals focused on sugar exports we don’t expect to see a big line of vessels forming like occurred in July and August.

- Strong whites breakbulk nominations as well, with 104kmt in CS – the strongest week of the season so far.
- Total white exports this season have reached 850kmt – the largest volume since 2013.


- Out of the new nominations this week, 210kmt are for UAE – Q4 offtake now surpasses 500kmt, a volume not seen since 2017.
- Algeria with 73kmt offtake this week takes total Q4 so far to 290kmt.
- And 63kmt for Indonesia.
- For more details on Brazilian exports, have a look at our interactive data: Global Shipments.
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