- This week, 322kmt of raws were nominated in CS for December.
- Main offtaker of the week is Algeria with 90kmt.
- December line up stands at 2.2mmt.
CS Brazil Exports
- Around 322kmt of raws were nominated this week in CS.
- For December, nominations stand at 2.2mmt of raws in CS.

- Around 1.2mmt has sailed so far this month, leaving a balance of 1mmt to be shipped in the next 14 days.
- There are rains forecasted at Santos that could disrupt operations, but no significant delays are expected at this moment.

- Apart from TEAG, all other Santos terminals have maintenance stoppages scheduled for January:


- Out of the new nominations this week, 90kmt are for Algeria – Q4 offtake now stands at 520kmt.
- One vessel for China, with 60kmt.
- And 51kmt for Morocco.
- For more details on Brazilian exports, have a look at our interactive data: Global Shipments.
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