501 words / 2.5 minute reading time
- After a record 2.26m tonnes of raw sugar was delivered at Santos port against the May futures expiry, the market is left wondering whether the port of Santos is operating smoothly.
- The volume itself isn’t a problem, but the coronavirus, competition for elevation and queues at ports are all fuel to logistical problems.
- Grupo Porto have, therefore, answered 10 key questions surrounding Brazil’s port operations.
1. Are Vessels Able to Berth Upon Arrival?
Yes, so long as all crew members are in good health (showing no signs of coronavirus symptoms). A 14 day quarantine is compulsory, if any crew members are symptomatic. Timings may vary across Brazil, depending on the unique development of COVID-19 across regions.
2. Are There Staff Shortages at Ports?
Most ports and terminals are working with their normal amount of staff.
3. Are Medical Examinations Offered to Crews at Anchorage?
Most vessels are subject to inspection by the Brazilian Port Health Authorities (BPHA) upon berthing. However, if there are any known cases within the crew, the inspection should be done at anchorage.

4. Can You Receive Medical Assistance On Board?
Yes, a doctor may come on board once the vessel is at anchorage. For this, a formal request must be sent to the BPHA.
5. Are Crew Changes Permitted?
The Government has ruled that no crew changes are allowed during quarantine, except for upon disembarkation or in urgent situations. This rule is valid until the 30th May 2020, at which point it will be subject to renewal.
6. What Documents Must Crew Masters Send Prior to Arrival?
This can vary. However, required documents will likely include a Maritime Declaration of Health (MODH), a list of your vessel’s prior ports of call, other information regarding your crew members’ health, and specific notification if you have called at any infected countries.

7. Can Crew Members Get Shore Passes to Leave the Port?
Shore passes are not allowed at present, due to the quarantine imposed by the Government. Only if a crew member’s illness means they’ve been urged to go to hospital will this be allowed.
Note: This will vary between ports, as these arrangements can be more difficult to make at the smaller ports.
8. How Can Vessels Pick Up Supplies?
Ship-chandlers may attend stores to pick up basic provisions. Medicines must be requested in advance. There are no restriction on picking up spare parts for vessels, but collection and delivery must be carried out with caution.
9. Which Oil Can Be Used for Manoeuvrings at Berth and Anchorage?
The Harbour Master usually suggests that manoeuvring is done as per the International Maritime Organisation and subject to pilot instruction, since we have different ports and terminals. Most of the vessels use Marine Diesel Oil or Marine Gasoil.
10. Any There Any Other Restrictions I Should Know About?
We will continue to provide updates as and when we receive new information. In the meantime, you can use our Global Logistical Tracker and read our weekly Port Restrictions Update to stay in the loop.