• Bullish sentiment still dominates the global dairy market.
  • All dairy prices remain high, especially milk powder, which is approaching a four-year high.
  • New Zealand’s milk production remains worryingly poor.

Dairy Prices Remain High

  • Dairy’s rally has continued, with milk powder approaching a four-year high.
  • American butter’s surge has finally paused, with the rest of its products still on the rise.
  • With New Zealand’s milk production down, powder prices have surged with whole milk powder now at a three-month high.

  • Major European dairy futures were still sought by the market and have continued to rise.
  • The upcoming consumption season has spurred skim milk powder to lead other varieties. 

  • Weak demand in Mainland China could mean consumers elsewhere in the world turn to New Zealand. 

Other Insights That May Be of Interest

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