- Colombia has imported 77k tonnes of white sugar from the world this year, more than double last year’s total.
- It normally imports from Peru under a Free Trade Agreement, but prices there are too high.
- Colombia’s imports from Peru are just 22k tonnes so far this year, down by 81k tonnes on 2019.
Colombia’s Whites Imports from the World Market Surge
- Colombia has imported 77k tonnes of sugar from the world market this year, up from 30k tonnes last year.
- Imports were especially strong in July and August, where it imported 33k tonnes; a large amount of this sugar came from Brazil.
- This is the most sugar Colombia has imported from the world market over the past three years (between January and August).

- The increase in world market imports is rare, as Colombia’s sugar market is protected by a variable duty known as Arancel.
- However, this duty has been fluctuating a lot recently, as the world market has been volatile.
- These fluctuations have made it more feasible for Colombia to buy sugar from the world market.

Who Would Colombia Usually Import From?
- Colombia often imports a lot of its sugar from Peru as it can enter duty-free.
- Last year, it imported 103k tonnes of sugar from Peru; 81k tonnes higher than this year’s sum.

- However, trade between these two countries depends on what is happening in domestic markets too.
- In September, Colombia would have had to pay $403/mt for Peruvian imports, but with the Peruvian domestic price at $582/mt, it made little sense for them to sell outside the country.

- If Peru’s domestic price remains strong, we may even see some Colombian sugar flow into Peru.
- The reason behind Peru’s strong domestic prices throughout this period will be discussed in our next opinion.
- With strong domestic prices, Colombia has the opportunity to import from the World Market and then import sugar into Peru duty-free for more than the Colombian price.
- This would mean Colombia ends up importing even more sugar from the World Market, in order to fill the void caused by exporting.

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