Main points


  • The recalculation of electricity indemnities comes under the spotlight.
  • Fluctuations in the oil price and their impact on Brazil is never out of the headlines.
  • Petrobras raised the average price of jet fuel by 3.9% this month. 



Usually not a source of controversy in the energy sector, the transmission segment moved centre-stage in recent weeks with the recalculation of indemnities, the so-called RBSE.

This is because, the director of the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), Efrain Cruz, took a unilateral decision on the recalculation of the billion-dollar compensation owed to the transmission companies that renewed the contracts under the terms of Provisional Measure (MP) 579, in 2012. His decision was based on an alleged error by the government in the calculation of the financial updates of the amounts due.

Regulator Sued

The 4th Federal Civil Court of the Judiciary Section of the Federal District (SJDF) granted three requests for an injunction against Cruz’ ruling, which also suspended the judgment of the administrative process by the regulatory agency.

In addition to taking the case to court, the transmission system operators also filed an administrative appeal against the decision, saying that it would cause “enormous inconvenience and regulatory instability to the sector”, as Eletrobras and ISA Cteep did.

All Eyes on Fuel Prices

Meanwhile, the rise and fall of the oil price and its impacts in Brazil is rarely out of the headlines, especially in an election year.

For this reason, the government published Decree 11,121/2022, ordering gas stations to inform consumers of prices on June 22, the date before the law that established the ICMS ceiling for diesel and zeroed federal taxes on gasoline and ethanol until the end of the year.

The Chamber of Deputies approved the opinion on the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) 1/22, which institutes the state of emergency and generates exceptional expenses of BRl 41.25 b (USD 7.9b), until the end of the year.

The benefits include an increase in the value of the gas voucher and the creation of “vouchers” to help truck drivers and taxi drivers financially to supply vehicles.

Still on fuel prices, Petrobras raised the average price of jet fuel 3.9% this month, according to information from the Brazilian Association of Airlines (Abear).