- As expected, the figures of 2H April came with a low crush of 29.59mmt and as a consequence the production of sugar and ethanol as well, 2.15 mmt and 1.3 bi liters respectively.
- The prolonged drought delayed the start of the crop for many mills – by 2H April 200 mills were in operation against 216 in the previous cycle.
- For the first half of May, UNICA estimates that another 30 mills will start operating.
Crop 2021/22 – 2H April

Slow Crop Start – No Surprises
- As we already know, the CS mills sought to delay the start of the harvest as much as possible given that the irregular rains hindered the development of the cane fields.
- Thus, today, less 16 mills are operating than the same period in the previous crop.
- For the next fortnight, UNICA estimates that another 30 mills will start operations.

- With the smaller number of mills in operation and the low agricultural productivity (TCH), the crushing of this fortnight had a retraction of 22.51% in relation to 2H April 2020:
- 29.59 mmt of cane were crushed – 8.6 mmt less than the previous cycle.

- In this fortnight the quality of the sugar content was also affected:
- The ATR reached 116.69 kg/tc – a decrease of 1.65% in relation to the same fortnight of the previous cycle.
- With lowest levels of sugar concentration in the plant and a lower TCH, concerns about the supply of sugar in the CS of Brazil are growing.
- However, as we mentioned in the last report, we should wait for the ATR for the next fortight, as this will determine whether the amount of sucrose can help minimize the damage in a scenario of less sugarcane availability.
- We currently estimate a sugarcane crushing of 558.2 mmt for the 21/22 crop.
Our Estimates for 2021/22

To read the report about our estimates for the 2021/22 crop click here.
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