Historical Spot Prices 

CS Brazil – Sugar* vs. Hydrous Prices 

¹Sugar Prices (No.11) include Physical Differential and Pol Premium. 

Esalq Weekly Hydrous Prices 


Fuel Market: Gasohol and Ethanol 

SP* Price Parity: Gasohol vs Hydrous Prices at the Pumps  

 *SP state is used as benchmark since it represents 30% of Brazil’s fuel demand (Otto Cycle) and over 50% of hydrous demand. 

CS Fuel Sales 


Sugar & Ethanol Price Table Summary 

CS Brazil – Spot Sugar and Hydrous Prices 

¹Esalq Sugar Price with 7% ICMS 

²Esalq Ex-mill  

³Esalq Free On Truck (FOT) Paulínia, SP State