No.11 market opened at 17.93, 4 points above the previous day’s settlement. Today more volume was traded compared to previous days, registering 45k lots. From the opening until 10am, the market went up to 18.07 and kept in a lateral movement in the 18.00 – 18.10 range until 1pm. In the next half ho…

No.11 market opened at 17.93, 4 points above the previous day’s settlement. Today more volume was traded compared to yesterday, registering 45k lots. Until 10 am, the market went up to 18.07 and kept in a lateral movement in the 18.00 – 18.10 range until 1 pm. For the next half hour, the market printed upward movements again, reaching 18.17 and then returning to the 18 levels. Near 2h30pm, buying power led the market to the daily high at 18.24. The last trading hours printed more volatility and the market returned to the 18’s level, closing at 18.03. The settlement price was 18.04, +0.15 from yesterday’s settlement and a +0.84% change from the previous session. The V22/H23 spread strengthened again, closing at +0.08.


Today the market started with a slight increase compared to yesterday’s close with Oct’22 at 552 (+2.2 USD/Mt). During the morning, the market stayed calm with the Oct’22 around 550 – 553 range due to a low volume until 11:00 am. Then, the market gave in and dropped to 545 hitting the low of the day at this point. This drop was followed by a slow recovery surpassing 550. But later, around 3:00 pm, a bullish movement led the market to reach 558 hitting the high of the day. Right after, the market retreated a bit and printed a downward movement until the last minutes of the market slowly losing strength and staying in the 548 – 552 range until the end of the day making the Oct’22 close valued at 549.5, a decrease of -0.3USD/Mt (-0.05%) against last day settlement, with the White premium at 151.79, and the Oct/Dec’22 spread at 31.
