Today No.11 opened at 18.32, a gap of 6 points below Friday’s settlement. Following the opening, the market was lateralized and with some buying power, touched the 18.32 around 10h30pm. At that time, it started to go down tipping the 18.15 at 1pm. Just after that point, big pushes were seen, and prices spiked to 18.37 but the level did not last for long. After 2pm, market watched a downward movement, closing at 18.12. Settlement price was 18.13, 25 points below Friday’s settlement, a -1.36% change. Volume was 57k lots and the spread H3K3 closed at 0.93. 


Today Dec’22 opened in a bearish gap at 529.70 and kept going down reaching 525.7. At 10 pm, market started to recover and touched again 529.30. From that point until 1pm, little strength was seen. Big spikes marked the charts from 1pm to 3pm, but it was not sufficient to make the market go up again. From 3pm until end of session, market went down to close at 525.7. Settlement price was 526.20, a -1.28% change from Friday’s settlement. Volume traded was 4837 and HH white premium closed at 95.3.
