259 words / 1.5 minute reading time

  • The crop in El Salvador is now underway, at an expected 794k tonnes we believe it could be the largest in the last 5 years. 
  • This is because early yields have been better than expected and there is still room for more upside (maybe 30k tonnes). 
  • This could help whites sugar supply in the Americas that has been tight following the US and Mexican crops. 

El Salvador Crop 

  • Sugar Production to date has been good after a slightly delayed start to the crop.
  • Weekly production so far has equalled the recent highs. 

El Salvador Weekly Sugar Production  


  • We believe the crop is currently on course to reach 794k tonnes, a small increase on last season. 
  • This would be the largest crop in the last 5 years.  

El Salvador Sugar Production  


  • The crop could yet see further upside as the early yields have been above expectations and the historical.  

Yields, looking good  

  • Yields have so far been strong, a welcome relief after some disappointing rainfall and yields last year. 

El Salvador Ag Yields 


  • This means there is more cane in the fields than usual, and on top of this the cane contains more sugar than was expected.  

El Salvador Sucrose Yields 


  • If these high yields continue, we can expect up to around 30k tonnes of extra sugar.  
  • Price permitting, this could allow for more white sugar into the central and Northern American markets.  
  • Supply has been scares since the US beet crop was downgraded and fears about the Mexican crop persist.  

US Beet Sugar Production



Vincent O’Rourke

Vincent began his career at CZ in 2016 as an analyst in the London Office, focusing on raw sugar flows and the Refineries in North Africa and the Middle East. Since 2019 Vincent has moved to the Miami office, leading the Americas analysis (excluding Brazil) and implementing the new data capture and database processes. Vincent graduated from Edinburgh with a master’s in theology in 2015 and completed a Masters in Emerging Economies from King’s London University in 2016

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