• In this series, we’re following farmers around the world. 
  • We’ll look at what they’re up to on the farm, hear their concerns, and celebrate their triumphs.
  • Here’s the link to the farmers’ bios in case you missed them.

What Have You Been Up To, Joseph?

It’s been very, very hot. Over 40 degrees for many days in a row, with storms passing through. 


This has made it difficult to do much outside work, but I have continued spraying for weeds. My daughter and I have also been sorting the shed after a busy harvest.


This is also the time of year when everyone’s minds turn to farm machinery maintenance, so harvesting contractors strip down their harvesters.

What Stage is Your Crop At?

We had 100mm of rain just after Christmas Day, so the cane has been growing like crazy. All the early cut ratoons look amazing, one month ahead in its growth compared to this time last year. The later ones look ok now, at around 20cm.

The general feeling is that the 2022 crop will be better than that of 2021, which came in at 5.33m tonnes in the Mackay district.

What’s Your Biggest Concern?

With the weather being so hot, we need more rain soon as the cane is using the moisture so quickly. That said, it could affect the growth rate of those late cut ratoons. Some growers who missed out on the rain, given the patchiness of the storms, have had to irrigate.

Staffing could also be a problem for growers looking for workers.

And What Are You Doing Differently This Year?

There’s quite a bit of soya being planted around the district. However, with the late end of the crush between Christmas and New Year, and wet weather on the horizon, I’ve decided not to do that this year.

My fallow areas will be left to rest under grasses as a break from cane.

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The EU’s Sugar Industry