Insight Focus
- Chinese cane farmers continue to battle drought.
- Cane yields will be adversely affected.
- Choosing the right cane variety is important.

Irrigation, Irrigation, Irrigaition!
Our key mission is still irrigation. No end in sight for the drought yet. And sugarcanes are thirsty for water during elongation stage. We’re about 3 months away from harvest and we must compensate the drought impact as much as possible.

Reduction – A Foregone Conclusion
However, we are prepared for crop failure too.
Earlier this year, we thought it would be a wet year, which was proven wrong. The drought hit us in July and it’s getting worse. So are the canes. There were tons of reports about record drought in Yangtze River Area but us in southern China also suffered.
The 20-minute rain on August 20th was the biggest rain in 2 months. And the land was barely wet.

La Nina Impact
We think La Nina caused three dry years out of four. We have several typhoons, artificial rainfall, irrigation, and fertilizer inputs to help the sugarcanes. All these are just a drop in the bucket after months of drought.
Po calls dibs on the best bunch of canes – he has always had a good eye for business.

Sugarcanes For Next Season
The summer canes (planted in summer for feed use) have surprisingly jointed for 3 – 5 sections.
Cane variety selection is an ongoing project for us. We have also planted Gui44 in March and it proved its value under conditions of good land, good maintenance, and early harvest.