Insight Focus

  • In this series, we’re following farmers around the world.
  • We’ll look at what they’re up to on the farm, hear their concerns, and celebrate their triumphs.

What Have You Been Up To, Hugh?


It’s the lull before the storm, i.e., harvest and autumn planting. The sun shines and the land becomes drier; we are roughly 65% of normal rainfall as measured from 1January-31 July

Much machinery is being polished for the coming chaos

In the quiet period, I spend my time making sure that I am compliant with many bits of government legislation, sheer joy.

I’ve been to a few farmer-type meetings and, depressingly, they mostly focus on environmental issues. I have been to Geneva, which was more interesting.  


Sugar wise, the processor (British Sugar) and grower (NFU Sugar) have agreed terms for the 2023 harvest at GBP 40 (USD 48) a tonne which, at current value, is some GBP 8 over the December 20‘23 market. However, with political chaos in the UK, the pound may go to parity against the dollar and this will then look cheap.


What Stage Are Your Crops At?

Whole crop rye harvest has just started and oilseed rape harvest will be in 10 days’ time. Wheat will start around 5 August.


Sugar beet has now “met in the row”, a traditional guide was this should happen about 30th June. This is a local agricultural show day (much shiny machinery that I cannot afford to buy and so I didn’t go, no photos). Cercospora models are now starting to kick into gear as we have moved from an aphid threat to a disease threat. I don’t think the sugar beet likes the lack of water.

What’s Your Biggest Concern?

Confronted with huge market volatility, this last month, which is always a challenge when you are naturally long the market. But then if you plant 250 kg of seed in the ground and hope to get 10 tonnes out that’s probably more of a challenge.

Fuel/climate protesting will continue to be a threat to commercial activity and it wouldn’t surprise me to see a shortage of wearing metal this autumn, as well as fuel.


Ambitions for this Year?

I’m still trying to understand sugar and many other things.


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