- Frost is expected in cane regions this weekend.
- Cane suffers with cold weather and reacts negatively, either in ag. yields or sugar content.
- However, the extension of the damage can only be measured after the fact…
News of … Snow?
- It is all over the news (or you probably got a video in WhatsApp), that it will snow in Brazil!
- We have been receiving messages of concerned clients over the impact on cane.
- And for all we say: snow is in the south of Brazil, where there is no cane production!
Snow in the South of Brazil

- And actually, snowing in south of Brazil is not common but it is also not an abnormal event.
- Usually occurs in July and August in higher altitude regions
- Santa Catarina is the state that snow occurs most frequently due to its altitude between 900m to 1750m.
- The news you need to focus is on frost in cane growing regions…
What matters for cane is news of Frost
- Weather models are pointing to frost in PR and MS states.
- The south of SP state could be affected as well.
Frost occurrence forecast for 22nd August

- Some of the locations in the map where frost is expected to occur this weekend are cane growing regions.
- The impact of the cold weather has a negative impact for the cane fields.
Frost and Cane
- Historically frosts tend to occur in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul e Minas Gerais.
- The intensity of the frost is determined by the time and range that the temperature remains below 5°C, which may cause from small burns on the leaves to the death of the lateral and apical buds.
Summary of Frost Impact

- Frost is something that there is not much way around it.
- Areas where frost usually occurs have a harvesting calendar done as a way to minimize the impacts.
- The full impact is only known after the occurrence – which is when the fields are accessed for the damage.
In case you are wondering: What does a cane affected by frost looks like?
- These pictures where taken last year (end of July) during one of our crop tours in Mato Grosso do Sul state, where frost occurred.
Cane affected by Frost – dead apical bud

- In the case above, the area affected was a 10th month cane – therefore, not fully developed yet.
- The most damaging is when the apical bud dies, which is the case above as seen in the second image.
- After the apical bud dies, the cane will start sprouting sideways;
- If the cane is close to the harvesting period, the loss in ag. yields might not be that significant;
- However, the mills must act fast in order to prevent fall in ATR (sugar content) as the plant might start sprouting on the side and it will use the sugar in order to do that;
Cane affected by frost: apical bud not dead but increase in sugar content – 11 month cane

- Despite the awful look of the cane, this area was less affected;
- When cutting the cane, we can see that the apical bud is not dead but with a colour denoting an increase in sugar content – in this case the frost acts as a maturator;
- If close to the harvesting period, then its beneficial; if not, then this cane will still be able to gain mass and develop further;