304 words / 2.5 minute reading time
- India sugar production will reach 26.5m tonnes this season.
- There has been no slowdown in Uttar Pradesh’s (UP) production pace.
- Crushing in Karnataka (KN) has ceased, however, while production in Maharashtra (MH) is almost complete.
India’s Sugar Production: Nearly There
- India has produced 24.8m tonnes of sugar to date; this is more than 6.4m tonnes behind last season’s number.
- This leaves less than 2m tonnes of sugar left to produce.
- 139 mills remain crushing in India, compared to 172 operating at this point last year.

- The nationwide lockdown aiming to ease the spread of the coronavirus has been extended; this has had no impact on sugar production pace, however.
- Sugar sales have been affected due to the closure of restaurants, shopping malls, theatres and such like.
Uttar Pradesh: Not Slowing Yet
- 10.83m tonnes of sugar have been produced in UP so far; this is 300k tonnes more than last season.
- We think UP will produce 1.65m tonnes more sugar yet, making up over 80% of the remaining Indian sugar production.
- 98 out of 119 mills are still operating, similar to last season’s 103 mills still open in mid-April.

Maharashtra: Nearing the Finish Line
- Over the last fortnight, the Maharashtrian rate of sugar production has fallen by one-third.
- MH has produced 6m tonnes of sugar to date.
- Sugar production is still 43% behind the previous crop, and the 10 mills in operation are only likely to contribute a small amount more.

Karnataka: Production Ceased
- All 63 mills have ceased production.
- KN’s sugar production totals 3.38m tonnes.
- This is its lowest in three years and 22% less than last’s year production.

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