Insight Focus

  • China PET exports continued to post record monthly highs, despite COVID-related disruption.
  • EU imports leap in Q1’22, although below the infamous 2019 import wave.
  • Indian exports tanked in Q1 ’22, as Chinese competition intensified.


China’s Bottle-Grade PET Resin Market

Monthly Exports

  • Despite Chinese bottle-grade PET exports showing a monthly drop of around 12% to 317k tonnes in April, exports were still at multi-year highs for the month, and up over 29% on the year.
  • COVID restrictions, lockdowns and environmental controls have stymied PET resin production and exports over the last month (see China’s Zero-COVID Policy Hits Domestic PET Resin Demand). 
  • Restrictions across China are now beginning to ease. However, the number of vessels waiting outside Shanghai and Ningbo ports remains around 11% higher than a year earlier.
  • The potential for further bottlenecks on reopening is expected to result in continued delays and longer transit times over the next month.

  • Turkey was the largest destination for Chinese PET resin exports in April, recording over 34k tonnes, surging 99% from March, and representing just over 11% of total exports.
  • Despite the Russian economy being hit hard by sanctions, PET resin flows to Russia remained relatively robust in April, increasing 8% on the month and 9% on the year.
  • Chinese statistics registered zero exports to Ukraine in April.
  • Huge increases to Turkey as well as other destinations, such as Bulgaria and North Africa, are because of cargoes originally intended for Ukraine being rerouted.


EU Bottle-Grade PET Resin Market

Quarterly Imports

  • EU-27 bottle-grade PET imports totalled 261k tonnes in Q1’22, up 73% from Q4’21 and 47% year on year.
  • Top 5 sources of origin were China, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and India.
  • Imports from China totalled 54.8k tonnes in Q1’22, an increase of over 190% from Q4’21, representing over 21% of total EU-27 imports.
  • Import volumes from Vietnam, Egypt, and South Korea all saw triple-digit % increases for thequarter as well.

  • EU-27 PET resin exports eased in Q1 ’22, down 4% on the previous quarter but still 24% higher than a year earlier.
  • The UK and US remained the two largest destinations for PET resin out of the EU block, accounting for a combined 59% of total EU exports.
  • Exports to the UK grew in Q1’22 to 35.6k tonnes, up 42% on the year, whilst volumes to the US stood at 14.9k tonnes, from almost zero a year earlier.

  • Outside of the UK and US, there has been strong export growth from Kazakhstan and Serbia, but the volumes are modest.
  • Q1’22 Exports to Kazakhstan were around 6k tonnes, Serbia around 5k tonnes.
  • At least one major European PET resin producer is known to have been actively targeting the Central Asian market over the last 6 months.
  • Serbiahas likely received additional, rerouted cargoes due to the war in Ukraine.


India Bottle-Grade PET Resin Market

Quarterly Imports

  • Indian bottle-grade PET imports totalled 13.4k tonnes in Q1’22, down 35% on the previous quarter and 63% year on year.

  • Origins with the greatest volumes in Q1’22, include Vietnam, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, and Thailand.
  • Following the introduction of anti-dumping duties against Chinese PET resin into India in 2021, Vietnamese and Taiwanese resin has partially filled the import gap.
  • Combined imports from Vietnam and Taiwan, represented 65% of total Indian PET resin imports inQ1’22.


Quarterly Exports

  • Indian bottle-grade PET exports fell to 137k tonnes in Q1’22, down 27% on the previous quarter, but still up 24% year on year.
  • Whilst exports followed a similar seasonal pattern, Q1’22 imports were down against Q1 volumes in pre-COVID years.

  • Italy was the largest destination with over 19k tonnes in Q1 ’22, followed by Bangladesh and Algeria, with 14k tonnes and 11.8k tonnes in Q1 respectively.
  • However, Indian volumes to Algeria, Nigeria, and the UAE, faced increased competition from Chinese resin, and plummeted 45-60%, on the quarter.

Data Appendix





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Other Insights That May Be of Interest…

PET Resin Trade Flows: China’s COVID Response Slows Exports

PET Resin Trade Flows: Europe Awaits Asian Shipments

What the Ukraine Crisis Means for PET

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Gareth Lamb

Gareth joined CZ in 2021 and is CZ’s PET analyst and recycling specialist. As well as regularly reporting on key market trends and dynamics, Gareth is also developing new research products and analytics within the PET and rPET space. Prior to joining CZ, Gareth led Wood Mackenzie’s PET research service and was Senior Consultant at IHS Markit, working within the petrochemical consulting team. Dr. Lamb graduated from the University of St Andrews with a PhD in organometallic chemistry; and has a masters of Chemistry degree from the University of Liverpool.

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