Main points

  • Last week, PEC was promulgated by the National Congress.
  • Until December 31st, it will be possible to allocate resources outside the spending ceiling to social assistance programs, in addition to tax incentives for biofuels.
  • Meanwhile, the extraordinary tariff readjustment of ten energy distributors was deliberated.


The Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) No. 15/2022 was promulgated by the National Congress on the night of Thursday, July 14, which included speeches by the President of the Republic, the Presidents of the Houses, ministers, and party leaders.

With a political tone and much applause, Congress had enough quorum to make itself heard and asserted itself, managing to adopt the state of emergency and allocate resources outside the spending ceiling, until December 31, for social assistance programs, in addition to tax incentives. for biofuels.

Congress had overturned the president’s vetoes to law 14,300/2022, on distributed micro and mini-generation, and to PLP 18/2022, on ICMS policies on materials.

Last week, Ministers Paulo Guedes, of Economy, and Adolfo Sachsida, of Mines and Energy, spoke about the subject in the Senate and about the impacts of subsidies for gasoline and the balance of the diesel stock.

And it wasn’t just the Congressional Plenary that had many important decisions during the week.

During the meeting of the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) this Tuesday, the audience on the channel of the municipality was one of the highest ever followed for a deliberation of the board.

On the agenda, the extraordinary tariff readjustment of ten energy distributors was deliberated, which had incremental reductions of 0.5% to 5.26% in tariffs with the full refund of credits charged in excess of ICMS in the PIS/Pasep calculation basis and Cofins.

Outside Brazil, the news remained hot.

In Europe, measures continue to be taken in reaction to the reduction in imports of oil and natural gas from Russia, and with the fear that the country will not resume the supply of Nord Stream 1, after the stop for maintenance of the gas pipeline.

Broadly speaking, the European Union has approved €1.8 billion for projects linked to renewable energy, while Spain has adopted a policy of increasing rates for energy companies to mitigate rising prices.

In the United States, a new heat wave in Texas prompted its system operator to urge the population to voluntarily reduce energy consumption.