• The No.11 net spec position is 84k lots short, less than half the 2019 maximum net short even though the market is close to the bottom of the recent range.
  • The No.5 specs have pushed their record short even further and now stand at -29k lots.
  • The whites open interest is strong, with both the August and October contracts having a large OI for this point in time.

ICE No.11 Futures Speculative Positioning (values as of 9th July 2019)

ICE No.11 Futures Commerical Positioning (values as of 9th July 2019)

ICE No.11 Futures Open Interest (values as of 9th July 2019)

ICE Futures Europe (No.5) Speculative Positioning (values as of 9th July 2019)

ICE Futures Europe Open Interest (values as of 9th July 2019)