• Specs appear to be regaining some confidence in their positioning in Sugar – continuing last week’s trend of retaining a modest net long position in whites and building on the small net short position in raws.
  • This data is from 14th of April, and the price hit a low of 9.96c the following morning; they have subsequently recovered to around 10.30c.
  • Spec selling was bought by commercials who have spent the last 5 weeks building on a record gross long position, which is now almost 600k

ICE No.11 Futures Speculative Positioning (values as of 14th April 2020)


ICE No.11 Futures Commerical Positioning (values as of 14th April 2020)


ICE No.11 Futures Open Interest (values as of 14th April 2020)


ICE Futures Europe (No.5) Speculative Positioning (values as of 14th April 2020)


ICE Futures Europe Open Interest (values as of 14th April 2020)


