• Thailand is in for another dry year following its disastrous 2019 cane crop.
  • This means cane yields won’t improve by much this year.
  • Thai sugar production will fall once again, to 7.5m tonnes; half of what it was two seasons prior.

Dry Weather Persists in 2020

  • It’s another dry year for Thailand.
  • Rainfall is below average, and the cane area is suffering as a result.

  • This is concerning, as last year’s drought seriously affected Thailand’s cane yields.
  • Things won’t be much better this year unless there is a significant increase in rainfall.

  • Without an increase, Thailand’s cane production and subsequent sugar availability will reduce.


How Are the Crops Right Now? 

  • We recently visited cane fields in Central, North-Western (Kanchanaburi) and North-Eastern (Saraburi) Thailand.



  • Kanchanaburi’s 2020/21 cane crop looked healthy and was performing well.
  • Farmers had spent time preparing for the dry weather and improved their irrigation.
  • Most cane fields in this region now have access to a natural water supply and irrigation systems.
  • This means the yields are less dependent on rainfall.
  • We therefore expect cane yields to increase there this year.



  • Saraburi’s cane crop had suffered from a prolonged period of drought and was underperforming.
  • This is particularly problematic for the region as it has limited access to the type of irrigation systems seen in Kanchanaburi.
  • We think Saraburi’s cane yield will be its lowest for a decade.



Could a Different Cane Variety Save the 2020 Crop?

  • In an effort to improve yields, some farmers have changed their cane variety and are now planting Khon Kaen 3.
  • This is more resilient to drought and should perform better in such conditions.
  • This will hopefully help support the Thai crop yields to some extent.

Nateetorn Petchphankul

Nate joined CZ (Thailand) in 2020. He graduated from Kasetsart University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture. Given his education background, one of his tasks is to spend some time out in the field speaking to local farmers and producers to understand the crop situation in Thailand mainly sugarcane and its competitor crops. Nate is currently responsible for crop and sugar analysis of Thailand, provide crop outlook of Thailand on CZ App also support trading team on developing and growing business relationship with domestic clients.

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