Opinion Focus
- The USDA WASDE report for august continues to predict a balanced sugar crop.
- The beet harvest is about to start in some areas, but the domestic market is likely to remain tight.
- The beet crop continues to be a worry due to the summer drought; early yields will be key.
USDA Maintains The Beet Forecast
- The July WASDE predicted a smaller beet crop, and there were worries August might bring another reduction.
- However, this has not happened and the market outlook remains well balanced.
- Beet production has even seen a small uptick as early production is delayed into the 2021/22 season.
- This is possibly due to farmers wanting to give the beet as much time to develop as possible after the scorching heat impacted beet growth.
- However early yields will be closely watched as the market might see yield forecasts drop.
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