Insight Focus
- Mexican sugar production has remained in an average range of 5.8m-6.2m tonnes.
- The rise in harvested area has not been reflected in sugar production as yields haven’t grown since 2012.
- Investments in the farms and mills have not been at the necessary pace.

This report was produced by Zafranet Communications, a consulting company on sugar cane, sweeteners and sustainability in Mexico.
Sugar Production is maintained, but the Res decrease
- Sugar production has remained in an average range excluding the drought-hit 2019/20 season.

- However, during this period, there was noticeable a drop in both cane and sugar yields.
- The current trend is that more and more cane isneeded to produce the same volume of sugar.
- This is because field and factory yields have not risen and/or have been decreasing.

- In short, the Mexican industry is producing less cane per hectare harvested.
- And the amount of sugar per tonne of cane has not increased either.

- The increase in the area harvested has offset low yields and kept Mexican production stable.

- Without this increase, sugar production in Mexico would have been falling year on year.
Why have yields been down?
- There are several factors influencing the decline in yields.
- The lack of renovations in the cane field and the age of the cane are the main factors affecting yields.
- Along with the lack of renovation, most cane is harvested by hand.
- This means that the cane must be burned before being harvested, both of these factors make the process less effective compared with machine harvesting.

- Irrigation systems are better for cane performance.
- However, there is not enough investment to increase the number of irrigation systems.
- Improvements in technology, best farming practices, better seeds, have not been deployed.

- Another factor that is affecting yields is the amount of time the cut cane is left and/or in long transfers before being processed.
- If this trend continues, the market will have to offset the decline in yields with higher prices to stimulate investment in the farms and mills.
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