UK Carbon Faces Volatility Amid Market Linkage Speculation
Insight Focus UKAs have experienced significant price volatility. Government consultations on potential reforms, including a Supply Adjustment Mechanism, and speculation about linking the UK ETS to the EU market have…

How Co-Processing Boosts SAF Production Efficiency
Insight Focus Co-processing is an alternative to blending SBC with jet...

US Sugar Sales Lag as Buyers Reluctance Persists
This update is from Sosland Publishing’s Sweetener Report. For m...

Daily Market Price Updates and Commentary 18th March 2025
There was an interesting dynamic to the opening as aggressive selling ...

Government Funding Cuts, Drought a Worry for UK Farmers
Insight Focus Warmer weather has brought signs of spring to the farm. ...

US Corn Falls Following Disappointing WASDE, Trade War Tensions
Insight Focus US corn fell as the March WASDE disappointed, and tariff...

UK Carbon Faces Volatility Amid Market Linkage Speculation
Insight Focus UKAs have experienced significant price volatility. Gove...

Daily Market Price Updates and Commentary 17th March 2024
The week commenced positively with May’25 initially printing a f...

India’s Absence Continues Urea Uncertainty, Phosphate and Potash Hold Steady
Insight Focus Urea prices have been falling daily due to India’s mar...
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Cocoa Stocks Plunge as 2025 Outlook Remains Bleak
Insight Focus Cocoa prices hit record highs amid crop challenges. Forecasts for the 2024/25 season are divided, while regulatory hurdles like the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) add further uncertainty. These…
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New Tech Boosts Corn Byproduct Yields, Efficiency
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Food Inflation Could Regain Momentum in 2025
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Urea Prices Stall Amid Delayed India Tender
Insight Focus India’s urea tender delay hit the US/NOLA market. ...

3 Brazilian Agriproducts that Could Benefit from Trump Tariffs
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Trump Proposes Tariffs on Mexican Sugar Imports
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UN Climate Summit Faces Trump Threat, Finance Questions
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Sugar Futures and Market Data: 5th June 2023
Insight Focus The No.11 has weakened for a second week in a row. The n...

TechCom Core Commodity Review Monday 5th June 2023
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy but no guarantee is offe...

India Announces 800k Tonne Urea Tender
Insight Focus Urea prices remain under pressure with increased supplie...

PET Raw Material Futures Outlook: Asian PET Export Prices Pause for Breath Ahead of Crunch OPEC+ Meeting
Insight Focus Crude rallies on Friday as US debt ceiling bill passes, ...

Daily Market Price Updates and Commentary 2nd June 2023
Today No.11 market opened at 24.88, at the same level of yesterday’s...

Farmer Diaries (China): The Belated Rains Have Helped Sugarcane Grow
What have you been up to? Hooray! The rain is finally here! After a wo...

Ask the Analyst: How Fast Can Sugar Production React To Higher Prices?
Insight Focus The world needs more sugar to be produced. Sugar prices ...

Daily Market Price Updates and Commentary 1st June 2023
Today No.11 market opened at 25.10, 4 points above yesterday’s settl...

Why Isn’t China’s Sugar Output Growing Faster?
Insight Focus China could produce 9.6m tonnes of sugar in 2023/24. Thi...

PET Resin Trade Flows: Chinese PET Resin Exports Lower As Demand Underperforms
Insight Focus Chinese PET export volumes continue to fall as foreign d...

Will Agribusiness Save the Brazilian Economy?
Opinion Focus Economy shrinks in Q4 but grows again in Q1. Agribusines...

How Will Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Work?
Insight Focus CBAM requires some imports to declare embedded carbon em...
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