Insight Focus All grains rose despite the escalating trade war. The EU...
Insight Focus US corn fell as the March WASDE disappointed, and tariff...
Insight Focus Tariff chaos and a plummeting dollar helped US grains re...
Insight Focus Corn in Chicago plunged on a jump in acreage and tariff ...
Insight Focus Chicago corn cleared USD 5/bushel last week. Chicago whe...
Insight Focus Chicago corn tested USD 5/bushel last week while US whea...
Insight Focus Corn prices rebounded but remained below USD 5/bushel. U...
Insight Focus Corn fell in Chicago, while wheat rose due to winterkill...
Insight Focus Chicago corn prices are steady, with gains in Chicago gr...
Insight Focus Corn in Chicago rallied as Argentina’s production ...
Insight Focus The January WASDE report tightened US corn supplies. Thi...
Insight Focus Corn rallied this week following a bullish WASDE report....
Insight Focus And end-of-week rally boosted corn and wheat prices. Dri...
Insight Focus Wheat dropped as Black Sea disruptions faded, and corn t...
Insight Focus Wheat prices rose on Black Sea supply concerns. Meanwhil...
Insight Focus Grains rose due to lower European yields and short cover...
Insight Focus Corn rallied on supportive November data, boosting price...
Insight Focus Corn prices diverged across exchanges last week. The str...
Insight Focus Corn prices rose in Chicago on strong demand. European g...
Insight Focus Grain markets experienced a negative week due to continu...
Insight Focus Corn faces downward pressure, while wheat strengthens....
Insight Focus Lower US stocks and Russian export cuts boost prices. ...
Insight Focus Grain prices rose last week due to weather concerns. H...
Insight Focus Grains failed to sustain last week’s gains due t...
Insight Focus Chicago corn prices briefly rose on global production co...
Insight Focus Grains have continued to rally due to bad news fro...
Insight Focus EU MARS report shows grains yields hit in Eastern ...
Insight Focus The Pro Farmer Crop Tour cemented the US corn crop...
Insight Focus Grains were down again on the back of ample supply...
Insight Focus All signs are pointing to plentiful wheat supply f...
Insight Focus New reports of dry weather in the Black Sea caused a reb...
Insight Focus Both corn and wheat were bearish this week after the USD...
Insight Focus Both corn and wheat markets sank this week as more clari...
Insight Focus Despite production losses in Russia, the wheat market is...
Insight Focus Despite a negative week for wheat due to healthy US harv...
Insight Focus Corn lost all the gains of the previous couple of weeks ...
Insight Focus The frosts reported last week in Russia have now spread ...
Insight Focus This week there was more clarity over how frosts in Russ...
Insight Focus Russia has declared of a state of emergency due to frost...
Insight Focus Market information last week showed several weather-rela...
Insight Focus The wider grains complex was pulled higher by a rally in...
Insight Focus The global grains market remains comfortably supplied th...
Insight Focus The week was mainly neutral for wheat and corn. The late...
Insight Focus US corn plantings made a good start. Wet weather in the ...
Insight Focus While corn planted area is falling in the US, stocks are...
Insight Focus There has been another attack in the Black Sea. The EU i...
Insight Focus An unexpected corn rally was driven primarily by short c...
Insight Focus The picture has turned less bearish for corn and soybean...
Insight Focus Both the corn and wheat markets remain well supplied. Ru...
Insight Focus At current prices corn will lose acres to soybeans in ma...
Insight Focus The grains markets are all still very well-supplied, mea...
Insight Focus February’s WASDE report confirmed ample global gra...
Insight Focus All grains markets globally are well supplied. Mild weat...
Insight Focus A small grains rally last week was short lived as produc...
Insight Focus Corn prices continue to trend downward due to high suppl...
Insight Focus The latest WASDE report projected all-time high US produ...
Insight Focus Argentina’s new president has devalued the Peso by...
Insight Focus Wheat rallies following aggressive Chinese buying. China...
Insight Focus Wheat rallied this week on the back of short covering an...
Insight Focus The corn market remains in a downtrend. A large US corn ...
Insight Focus The week was slightly positive for corn, while wheat fel...
Insight Focus There was another negative week for grains after N...
Insight Focus After a poor performance in the US, a rally in soybeans ...
Insight Focus Appetite for US corn is waning as price points remain to...
Insight Focus A positive week for grains futures. Black Sea grains lin...
Insight Focus Russian corn production could reach new highs this seaso...
Insight Focus Another negative week for Wheat on higher quarterly stoc...
Insight Focus Hot and dry weather in US shouldn’t affect the Corn be...
Insight Focus US Corn harvesting has started and is 5% complete same l...
Insight Focus No surprises are expected on the Wheat front. US Corn co...
Insight Focus Low Mississippi water levels are putting pressure on Chi...
Insight Focus Chicago Corn prices remain broadly unchanged on the week...
Insight Focus Corn and wheat markets nervous over Black Sea grains flo...
Insight Focus US corn ending stocks higher than expected. Volatility a...
Insight Focus Favorable weather in the US hits grains markets. Wheat h...
Insight Focus Russia has pulled out of the Black Sea Grains Corridor. ...
Insight Focus US corn now only 51% good/excellent vs 64% last year. US...
Insight Focus USDA estimate corn plantings grew 2m acres this year. Co...
Insight Focus The US corn yield should be lower than the USDA forecast...
Insight Focus Dry weather in the US leads to deterioration of corn cro...
Insight Focus US corn plantings at 96% vs 93% a year ago. 85% has emer...
Insight Focus USDA believes 34% corn area is experiencing drought. Was...
Insight Focus Dry weather in US pulls Chicago corn higher. US corn pla...
Insight Focus Big progress in US corn planting. China cancels corn pur...
Insight Focus May WASDE forecasts large US corn crop. Grains markets f...
Insight Focus Russia hardens negotiating position. Russia will need to...
Insight Focus Brazilian corn cheaper than American. Brazilian cash val...
Insight Focus Several EU member states act to protect local farmers. B...
Insight Focus USDA sees global corn stocks down just 1m tonnes this se...
Insight Focus US corn plantings have begun. Brazilian corn and soy har...
Insight Focus US soybean planting seen flat year on year. Corn plantin...
Insight Focus Russia claims the Black Sea Corridor has been extended f...
Insight Focus 600k tonnes sales reported for 4 consecutive days. Black...
Insight Focus American corn exports look set to disappoint this year. ...
Insight Focus Larger grains crops expected in 2023. Corn sell off afte...
Insight Focus The USDA forecast a 3% increase in American corn plantin...
Insight Focus Brazilian soybean harvest slow at 15.4% done vs 25% last...
Insight Focus Corn planting in Brazil delayed by rain. Higher US corn ...
Insight Focus Brazil soybean harvest 5.2% complete vs 11.6% last year....
Insight Focus Delays to Ukrainian grains exports due to slow vessel in...
Insight Focus Russia has suggested they could limit corn exports to av...
Insight Focus US Dept of Agriculture reduces corn production forecast....
Insight Focus Inspections are slowing vessel traffic from Ukrainian po...
Insight Focus The first-ever shipment of corn from Brazil to China is ...
Insight Focus Weak soybean futures also dragged US corn and wheat lowe...
Insight Focus American wheat is suffering from low soil moisture. High...
Insight Focus Ukraine grains export corridor extended by 120 days. Thi...
Insight Focus There’s been no news from Russia about whether the gra...
Insight Focus The current Black Sea grains deal expires on 19th Novemb...
Opinions Focus Grains may rally as Russia exits grain corridor deal. T...
Opinions Focus A negative week for all grains as US harvest better tha...
Opinions Focus Officials met last week to discuss extending the Ukrain...
Opinions Focus Low water in the Mississippi didn’t result in higher ...
Opinions Focus Ukrainian exports in the final week of Sep were the lar...
Opinions Focus European MARS bulletin cuts corn yield forecast by 4%. ...
Opinions Focus USDA adjustments to US corn crop already expected by tr...
Opinions Focus Corn harvesting begins early in France and Ukr...
Opinions Focus EU lowers corn yield forecast to 16% below 5-year avera...
Forecast No changes to our price forecast for 21/22 (Sep/Oct) Chicago ...
Insight Focus All eyes on grain flows from Ukrainian Black Sea ports D...
Insight Focus Attack on Port of Odessa lowers hopes of Ukrainian grain...
Insight Focus Ukraine, Turkey, Russia and the UN reached an agreement ...
Insight Focus Solid weekly gains for grains despite USD rally. Fears o...
Insight Focus Corn and wheat prices traded lower this week. Favourable...
Insight Focus Talks of a potential safe corridor to export Ukrainian g...
Insight Focus Corn crops at risk from hot and dry weather in Europe an...
Insight Focus Rally fuelled by missile strike on Ukrainian grain termi...
Putin will allow exports of Ukrainian grain. If seaborn exports out of...
Insight Focus China allows corn imports from Brazil. Spring planting i...
Insight Focus Dry weather hitting wheat condition in US, Europe Weathe...
Corn falls as US planting continues apace Wheat prices rise on s...
Insight Focus Chicago corn falls as US planting makes strong progress ...
Insight Focus Grains track oilseeds volatility after Indonesian palm o...
Insight Focus Cold, wet weather in US adds to grains volatility create...
Insight Focus The April WASDE didn’t address Russia’s military pre...
Insight Focus Ukraine-related volatility likely to continue with no en...
Insight Focus Ukraine won’t sow full grains area this season. EU all...
Insight Focus Ukrainian corn plantings are down following Russia’s i...
Insight Focus The USDA overlooked three key issues in the March WASDE....
Insight Focus Ukrainian grains production should be poor due to the on...
Insight Focus All grains rallied last week as Russia invaded Ukraine. ...
Insight Focus Brazil’s fertiliser supply is not improving. President...
Insight Focus La Niña has prompted widespread reductions to global gr...
Insight Focus Russia has banned nitrate-based fertiliser exports. This...
Insight Focus The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as La N...
Our sights are set on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine...
Late last year, we were keeping a close eye on two risks: La Niña an...
The December WASDE marked the end of grains’ recent rally. We ...
La Niña should bring dry weather to Brazil between December and Febru...
Global grains stocks remain tight in 2021. Nevertheless, China has imp...
We don’t think the USDA addressed the fertilizer crisis in its last ...
We don’t think fertilizer prices will drop until at least Q2 next ye...
US ethanol margins hit an all-time high last week. This bodes well for...
A La Niña could cause problems for grains producers. It would bring d...
Grains production around the world is suffering. High fertilizer price...
Europe’s natural gas crisis is turning into a fertilizer crisis. At ...
Natural gas is very expensive at present. This could weaken global fer...
Wheat crops in Canada and Europe may underperform following poor weath...
The September WASDE is imminent. Everything is pointing towards increa...
It was frosty again in Brazil last week. Corn rallied as a result. Agr...
The July WASDE tightened old crop closing stocks for corn and wheat. G...
The Brazilian frost and US heatwave could impact corn production. Corn...
The USDA reduced corn’s global closing stocks to 289.4m tonnes in Th...
Corn rallied in all geographies last week. This is largely because Bra...
Forecast Our average price forecast for 2020/21 remains unchanged in a...
Forecast Our 2020/21 (Sep/Oct) average price forecast for Chicago Corn...
Forecast Our 2020/21 (Sep/Oct) average price forecast for Chicago Corn...
Forecast Our 2020/21 (Sept/Oct) average price for Chicago Corn remains...
Forecast There are no changes to our 2020/21 (Sep/Oct) average p...
Forecast Our 2020/21 average price forecast (Sep/Oct) remains in a ran...
Forecast Our 2020/21 average price forecast (Sep/Oct) remains unchange...
Forecast We’ve increased our 2020/21 average price forecast (Sep/Oct...
Price Action Forecast Our 2020/21 average price forecast for Sep/Oct r...
The fundamental picture remains unchanged from two weeks ago. Worries ...
The November WASDE was bullish for corn and soybeans with a significan...
Price Action Forecast Our 2020/21 forecast (Sep/Oct) remains unchanged...
Price Action Forecast Our 2020/21 forecast (Sep/Oct) remains unchanged...
Price Action Forecast There are no changes to our 2020/21 (Sep/Oct) av...
Price Action Forecast Our 2020/21 forecast remains unchanged, with the...
Price Action Market Commentary Chicago Corn was almo...
479 words / 3 minute reading time Price Action Comments: ...
Price Action Comments Corn Chicago Corn was almost u...
530 words / 3 minute reading time Price Action Comments: Chicago Corn ...