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Catarina Junqueira

Ethanol Sugar
  • September 28, 2022

Cumulative Sugar Production at CS Brazil hits 25 mmt

Main Focus Crushing rate decreased this fortnight, registering 39.5 mm...

Ethanol Sugar
  • September 14, 2022

Biggest Sugar Mix since 2013 in CS Brazil

Main Points Dry Weather contributes to crushing recovery, with 44 mmt ...

Ethanol Sugar
  • September 1, 2022

What is Happening with Ethanol Prices in CS Brazil?

Main Focus  Ethanol price dropped 20% since last month.  &nb...

Ethanol Sugar
  • August 25, 2022

Cane Crush still Late at CS Brazil

Main Points Crush pace remains below last year. So far, cumulative vol...

  • August 19, 2022

Ask The Analyst: New Global Corn Trade Between China and Brazil

Brazil may export a significant amount of Corn to China this year. Wha...

  • August 12, 2022

Ask the Analyst: Are Brazilian Sucrose Levels Lower than Last Year?

Insight Focus  At the beginning of this crop, the sucrose levels ...

  • July 28, 2022

Crush Pace Accelerates at CS Brazil

Cane crush advances in the first half of July, registering 46 million ...

Ethanol Sugar
  • July 22, 2022

Turnaround in the Carbon Credits Market in Brazil

The carbon credits (CBIOs) average prices ended the uptrend and now th...

Ethanol Sugar
  • June 23, 2022

Renovabio Brazil: CBIO Price More Than Triples Since Jan

Opinion Focus The average price of Brazilian CBIO carbon credits hit a...

Ethanol Sugar
  • June 15, 2022

CS Brazil: Sugar or Ethanol? 15th June 2022

Historical Spot Price

Ethanol Grains
  • June 13, 2022

Sugarcane Crush Better than expected in CS Brazil

Opinion Focus Crushing advanced on the H2 May with 44mt of cane proces...

Ethanol Sugar
  • May 26, 2022

Sugar Production in Center-South Brazil is 33% Lower than 2021

Mills in operation are close to the number seen last year, but crushin...

Ethanol Sugar
  • May 13, 2022

Brazilian Gasoline Prices Caught between Politics and Economics

Brazilian gasoline prices are at record highs, but the oil price, a fa...

  • April 29, 2022

CS Brazil’s 2022/23 Cane Crush Off to Slow Start

CS Brazil’s 2022/23 cane crush is underway, but numbers for the last...

Ethanol Sugar
  • April 8, 2022

Ask the Analyst: The Impact on Brazil’s Ethanol Import Tariff Removal

The ethanol import tariff has been suspended until December 2022. In t...

  • April 7, 2022

More Cane for Brazil in 2022/23

Opinion Focus We have increased our cane crush estimate of 22/23 by 11...

Ethanol Sugar
  • March 24, 2022

CS Brazil: Sugar or Ethanol? 24th March 2022

ANP prices from Last week

Ethanol Sugar
  • March 18, 2022

CS Brazil: Sugar or Ethanol? 18th March 2022

     ANP prices from Last week

Ethanol Sugar
  • March 14, 2022

How the Brazilian Fuel Price Adjustment Hits Sugar and Ethanol

This Insight was published on the 11th March in Portuguese. After almo...

  • March 4, 2022

What Would a Brazilian Fuel Price Hike Mean for Sugar?

Rumours suggest Petrobras may soon adjust gasoline prices higher. Pric...

Ethanol Sugar
  • February 17, 2022

CS Brazil: Sugar or Ethanol? 17th February of 2022

In a week, the hydrous prices fell from 2.91 BRL/liters to 2.84 BRL/li...

Ethanol Sugar
  • February 10, 2022

CS Brazil: Sugar or Ethanol? 10th February 2022

Hydrous Ethanol prices registered a significant drop in the first few ...

  • January 21, 2022

Daily Market Price Update and Commentary 21st January 2021

Sugar 11 Mar’22 The day started weakly as March’22 traded down...

Ethanol Sugar
  • November 25, 2021

The Final Stages of CS Brazil’s 2021/22 Cane Crop

Total cumulative crushing so far at 516mmt , close to our estimate of ...

Ethanol Sugar
  • November 16, 2021

How Will a La Niña Impact CS Brazil’s 2022/23 Cane?

A La Niña looks increasingly likely for CS Brazil, meaning rainfall c...

Ethanol Sugar
  • November 11, 2021

More than 500mmt of Cane Crushed in CS Brazil

Just before the end of operations, CS exceeded 500 mmt of processed su...

Energy Ethanol
  • November 3, 2021

How the Fertilizer Crisis Impacts CS Brazil’s Sugarcane Sector

 Main Points  Like other markets, the fertilizer sector had ...

Ethanol Sugar
  • October 27, 2021

CS Brazil: Total Sugar Production Should Be 32mmt

Main Points  The amount of cane processed in the first 15 days of...

Ethanol Sugar
  • October 13, 2021

CS Brazil: Near the end of the Harvest

Main Points  Near the end of operations, CS reached 467 mmt of pr...

Ethanol Grains
  • September 28, 2021

RenovaBio: CBIO Prices Soar as Deadline Approaches

Main Point  With the deadline for meeting the targets approaching...

Ethanol Sugar
  • September 28, 2021

CS Brazil: Worse Agriculture Yields, Risk of Revisions?

 Main Points  Until the first 15 days of September, CS reach...

Ethanol Sugar
  • September 17, 2021

Fires Blaze Again in CS Brazil

Main Points  The first half of September registered 8,300 fires i...

Ethanol Sugar
  • September 10, 2021

CS Brazil: Within Expectations, We Maintain 520mmtc

 Main Points  2H August numbers came out as expected: agricu...

Ethanol Sugar
Ethanol Sugar
  • August 24, 2021

CS Brazil: 350 mmt of Cane Harvested so Far

 Mains Points  Weak harvest and agricultural produtivity, bu...

  • August 10, 2021

Frost, We Haven’t Seen the Last of It

 Mains Points  UNICA’s figures for the 2H July are aga...

Ethanol Sugar
  • August 4, 2021

Brazil: Raízen and the Biggest IPO of the Year

 Mains Points  Raízen has just held the largest IPO of 2021...

Ethanol Sugar
  • July 29, 2021

CS Brazil: Frost Radar

Mains Points Light and moderate frosts were recorded in some agricultu...

Ethanol Sugar
  • July 27, 2021

CS Brazil: Falling Agricultural Productivity

Main Points  Despite the small sampling, TCH presents a drop of 1...

Ethanol Sugar
  • July 26, 2021

CS Brazil: More Frost Risk

 Main Points  In the coming days, the Center-South is at ris...

Ethanol Grains
  • July 22, 2021

Brazil: Corn Crop Failure to Impact Ethanol Production?

 Main Points   Despite the increase in the corn price, ...

Ethanol Sugar
  • July 13, 2021

CS Brazil: 21/22 Cane Crop Still Late

Main points  By the end of June, we had the biggest drop in produ...

Ethanol Sugar
  • June 30, 2021

CS Brazil: Frozen Cane Fields

Mains Points  Frosts of various intensities were recorded in some...

  • June 29, 2021

CS Brazil: Risk of Frost in Cane Fields This Wednesday

 Main Points The forecast is for frost in some regions of the sta...

Ethanol Sugar
  • June 28, 2021

CS Brazil: Weak Crushing Pace and Volume

 Main Topics  The numbers for the 1H of June came even lower...

Ethanol Sugar
  • June 25, 2021

Brazil: Will the Crop Failure Impact the CBIO Price?

Main points  With The dry weather, a crop failure is estimated &#...

Ethanol Sugar
  • June 11, 2021

CS Brazil: 10% Drop in Productivity in May

The figures for the 2H May came similar to last fortnight: Strong crus...

Ethanol Sugar
  • June 3, 2021

CS Brazil: Drought and The Sugarcane 21/22

The extremely dry period has impacted the development of sugarcane fie...

Ethanol Sugar
  • May 27, 2021

CS Brazil: Strong Crushing, Weak Agricultural Productivity

The dry weather provided a strong crushing rhythm and a high concentra...

Ethanol Sugar
  • May 13, 2021

CS Brazil: Crop 21/22 Continues with Concerns

As expected, the figures of 2H April came with a low crush of 29.59mmt...

Ethanol Sugar
  • April 28, 2021

CS Brazil’s Cane Crop Raises Red Flags

The 2021/22 crop have started and the figures from this fortnight were...

Ethanol Sugar
  • April 15, 2021

CS Brazil – 2020/21 Season Concluded

With the latest report from UNICA, the 20/21 season is officially over...

Ethanol Sugar
  • March 26, 2021

CS Brazil: Near the End of 2020/21 Cane Crop

UNICA’s figures for the first half of March were in line with ou...

  • January 7, 2021

Protests After Sao Paulo Government Ups Ethanol Tax

Last night, São Paulo’s government suspended the tax increase for f...

  • December 10, 2020

CS Brazil: Sugar Production 2.3mmt Above Previous Record

It is official, CS can now say its record sugar production is above 38...

  • December 10, 2020

Brazil: Latest Updates of The RenovaBio Program

With 17.5 million Cbios emitted, the market expectation is that all di...

  • November 25, 2020

CS Brazil: Sugar Production Could Surpass 38mmt

CS is moving towards an early closure. So far, 147 mills have finished...

Ethanol Sugar
  • November 11, 2020

CS Brazil: Mills have slowed down on pace this Fortnight

Sugarcane crushing and sugar production reached record levels – 564....

Ethanol Sugar
  • October 27, 2020

CS Brazil: Dry Weather and More Sugar

Dry weather allowed mills to keep the strong pace and concentrate suga...

Ethanol Sugar
  • October 9, 2020

CS Brazil – A Record Fortnight with a Pinch of Concern

Cane harvested from now on is expected to show lower yields. Crop coul...

  • September 11, 2020

CS Brazil – Sugar Production 7.9mmt ahead yoy

Despite rains disrupting crushing pace this fortnight, cumulative suga...

Ethanol Sugar
  • March 12, 2020

Daily Market Price Update: 12th March 2020

ICE Futures U.S. Sugar No.11 Contract ICE Europe White Sugar Futures C...

Ethanol Sugar
  • March 11, 2020

Daily Market Price Update: 11th March 2020

ICE Futures U.S. Sugar No.11 Contract ICE Europe White Sugar Futures C...

Ethanol Sugar
  • March 4, 2020

Daily Market Price Update: 4th March 2020

ICE Futures U.S. Sugar No.11 Contrract ICE Europe White Sugar Futures ...

Ethanol Sugar
  • February 27, 2020

Daily Market Price Update: 27th February 2020

ICE Futures U.S. Sugar No.11 Contract ICE Europe White Sugar Futures C...

Ethanol Sugar
  • February 19, 2020

Daily Market Price Update: 19th February 2020

ICE Futures U.S. Sugar No.11 Contract ICE Europe White Sugar Futures C...

Ethanol Sugar
  • February 17, 2020

Daily Market Price Update: 17th February 2020

ICE Futures U.S. Sugar No.11 Contract ICE Europe White Sugar Futures C...

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