Insight Focus India’s urea tender delay hit the US/NOLA market. ...
Insight Focus Urea prices are climbing toward USD 500/tonne FOB in Egy...
Insight Focus Global fertilizer markets have been shaken by proposed t...
Insight Focus Urea prices are rising, but it’s unclear for how l...
Insight Focus Urea prices continue to rise ahead of price discovery on...
Insight Focus Urea prices have surged significantly this past week. Pr...
Insight Focus Urea prices rose with Iran’s export curbs and increase...
Insight Focus India’s recent urea tender fell short. The country is ...
Insight Focus Urea prices edged up after a successful India tender. Ho...
Insight Focus Urea prices have risen following India’s tender announ...
Insight Focus Speculation over India’s urea tender drove price i...
Insight Focus Urea prices remain weak amid low demand, but Q1 2025 may...
Insight Focus Urea prices face pressure with unsold December cargoes. ...
Insight Focus India secured a 1-million-tonne urea tender, but prices ...
Insight Focus Urea prices decline as demand remains weak, with India d...
Insight Focus India’s urea tender has not spurred market activit...
Insight Focus Urea prices have dipped due to India’s tender delay. D...
Insight Focus Another expected India tender supports higher urea price...
Insight Focus Urea prices are rising globally, fuelled by Indian ten...
Insight Focus India’s urea tender faces price increases from s...
Insight Focus Urea prices rise steadily, supported by India tender a...
Insight Focus India’s overlapping urea tender is likely to rai...
Insight Focus Urea prices are rising slowly but trade volumes remain l...
Insight Focus The urea market is strong, led by Indian demand. P...
Insight Focus There is little activity across the urea markets, ...
Insight Focus Strikes in India and Canada are impacting the proc...
Insight Focus Despite the announcement of an India urea tender, ...
Insight Focus The urea market is bearish as it awaits another In...
Insight Focus Lower prices for imported complex fertilisers and higher...
Insight Focus The international urea and potash markets have bee...
Insight Focus The urea market needs another tender from India an...
Insight Focus The international urea market is still in hibernat...
Insight Focus The Indian urea tender failed to find sellers, whi...
Insight Focus Global urea markets are now awaiting price guidance from...
Insight Focus Urea prices have strengthened after India’s announ...
Insight Focus Urea prices cooled this week as Egyptian gas supply resu...
Insight Focus Urea prices have increased on lack of supply as Egyptian...
Insight Focus Urea prices increased in all regions this week, but it i...
Insight Focus Urea prices increased in all regions this week, but it i...
Insight Focus With China expected to maintain export restrictions for ...
Insight Focus Urea prices moved higher most regions, particularly acro...
Insight Focus Urea prices keep struggling to hold. The main buying act...
Insight Focus Urea prices still struggling to find a floor and the out...
Insight Focus The decline in urea prices has come to a temporary halt ...
Urea prices have continued to fall. India’s decision to cut impo...
Insight Focus Reduced India urea tender purchase hits prices. Potash m...
Insight Focus Further urea price erosion is expected in the next coupl...
Insight Focus Prices for the India urea tendeChina Re-Enters Processed...
Insight Focus Producers are putting faith in next week’s India t...
Insight Focus AmmoniaUrea prices remain under pressure. Processed phos...
Insight Focus Chinese CIQ Urea inspections will resume in March. This ...
Insight Focus Tight supply in the US pushed up the price of urea by ab...
Insight Focus Urea prices are driven by Australian and US demand. Anti...
Insight Focus Lunar New Year and Carnival in Brazil dampened interest ...
Insight Focus Urea prices are edging higher. The processed phosphate m...
Insight Focus Urea prices continue to strengthen but this could be jeo...
Insight Focus Urea prices this week took an upward turn in the Middle ...
Insight Focus Urea prices rise due to limited Asian supply and emergin...
Insight Focus The urea market is slowly coming alive despite a disappo...
Insight Focus India’s urea tender saw 2.7 million MT offered. Lo...
Insight Focus India announces urea tender for 4th January. Reaction ha...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate prices are expected to remain strong...
Insight Focus Urea prices rose this week mainly due to increased freig...
Insight Focus China will continue to prohibit fertiliser exports until...
Insight Focus The international urea market saw drastic price reductio...
Insight Focus China’s ban on the export of fertilisers has creat...
Insight Focus China stop export inspections on processed phosphates wi...
Insight Focus Pockets of phosphate demand emerge in East Africa and Pa...
Insight Focus India cut its DAP subsidy by 31%, creating a margin shor...
Insight Focus India is expected to import more than 1.5 million tonnes...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate prices may come under pressure with ...
Insight Focus The global processed phosphate market has come to a halt...
Insight Focus India considering another import tender to halt Urea pri...
Insight Focus India has not secured a large urea volume in the latest ...
Insight Focus The global urea market is at a crossroads: India’s...
Insight Focus The Chinese government suspended CIQ inspections which a...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate price increases coming to a halt. Po...
Insight Focus Urea prices still falling after India tender. China incr...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate prices increased across the board fo...
Insight Focus Urea market spooked by lower prices on Indian tender. Pr...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate prices edged up on the back of tight...
Insight Focus Early India urea tender announced. May book as much as 1...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate prices are going up in the Americas ...
Insight Focus Ammonia prices in europe saw a slight increase despite t...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate prices declining globally bar map in...
Insight Focus Urea prices are increasing on the back of lesser availab...
Insight Focus India buys less than expected at RCF urea tender. But Eg...
Insight Focus India buys less than 600,000 mt vs anticipated 800,000 m...
Insight Focus India’s urea tender on Monday could be concluded below...
Insight Focus Urea prices remain under pressure with increased supplie...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate prices keep falling across the board...
Insight Focus Nola urea prices also fell this week. Potash prices in B...
Insight Focus India unlikely to tender for Urea in May. Brazil off-sea...
Insight Focus US DAP prices also collapse with fall of USD 153/st Glob...
Insight Focus Ammonia settlement for may delivery to tampa down anothe...
Insight Focus Processed phosphate prices keep on falling bar the US ma...
Insight Focus Surge in NOLA urea leads to traders short covering in ot...
Insight Focus DAP prices in India keep on falling. China expected to f...
Insight Focus Middle East Granular Urea Prices Now Firmly Below USD 30...
Insight Focus India now bidding well below USD 600 CFR for new DAP arr...
Insight Focus Lower urea prices across the board bar NOLA/US. Processe...
Insight Focus India only bought 1.1 million mt urea from total offers ...
Insight Focus India urea tender on March 3rd saw prices just above USD...
Insight Focus Most of the market expects urea prices to keep falling o...
Insight Focus Urea prices continue to tumble. Some hope for Urea produ...
Insight Focus US/NOLA urea price now lowest since January 2021. Proces...
Insight Focus Indonesian producers are expected to tender urea next we...
Insight Focus Chinese urea exports fell sharply in 2022. OCP of Morocc...
Insight Focus Urea is hugely oversupplied globally. Producers are hold...
Insight Focus India’s delayed spot tender and low demand generally f...
Insight Focus India has delayed a spot tender for urea. Demand is also...
Insight Focus Tariffs on EU fertiliser imports scrapped for 6 months f...
Insight Focus Small increase in North African FOB Urea levels from tra...
Insight Focus Urea producers are lowering prices to encourage buyers w...
Insight Focus Tampa ammonia price drops USD 120/tonne. US prices are n...
Insight Focus Chinese ammonia imports slumped 70% year on year. EU imp...
Insight Focus Duty thought to be for revenue-raising. No suggestion du...
Insight Focus Urea, potash and processed phosphate prices are all fall...
Insight Focus Egyptian urea prices rise by 14% in hours after India an...
Opinions Focus Urea market stable despite large Indian tender. Lack of...
Opinions Focus EU spot natural gas prices have more than halved in the...
Opinions Focus Ammonia production is resuming in Poland and Germany. T...
Opinions Focus Processed phosphate prices are falling across the board...
Opinions Focus Global potash and phosphate prices continue to fall. Br...
Insight Focus The UN is trying to broker a deal to resume ammonia expo...
Opinions Focus European fertilizer producers are cutting back capacity...
Opinions Focus Yara is drastically cutting European fertilizer product...
Insight Focus Exports of most fertilisers dropped by around 60%. Chine...
Opinion Focus High gas prices mean strong netbacks for urea exporters ...
Insight Focus High gas prices supporting European ammonia prices Chine...
Insight Focus Urea prices fall on lower-than-expected demand Po...
Chinese government trying to cut domestic fertiliser prices by export ...
Insight Focus OCI, Azomures cut ammonia ouput as gas prices soar Brazi...
Insight Focus Bangladeshi phosphate tender result could herald Asian p...
Insight Focus Weak demand, demand destruction drag prices lower. Russi...
Insight Focus IFA sees 2022 fertiliser demand dropping Chinese, Russia...
Insight Focus Prices fall at Indian urea tender Lack of demand, May/Ju...