




Um Guia Sobre Algodão Para Iniciantes

  • A produção mundial de algodão é de aproximadamente 25 milhões de toneladas por ano.
  • Cinco países são responsáveis por mais de 70% da produção mundial de algodão.
  • A cadeia global de abastecimento de algodão está investindo na sustentabilidade.

Lucy Farrand

3 months ago

6 min

Guía del algodón para principiantes

La producción mundial de algodón, que asciende a unos 25 millones de toneladas anuales, está fuertemente influenciada por cinco países clave que representan más del 70% de la producción mundial. A medida que crece la demanda de prácticas sostenibles, la cadena mundial de suministro de algodón invierte activamente en iniciativas de sostenibilidad para garantizar una industria más respetuosa con el medio ambiente y socialmente responsable.


Lucy Farrand

3 months ago

7 min

A Beginner’s Guide to Cotton

  • World cotton production is approximately 25 million tonnes each year.
  • Five countries are responsible for over 70% of the worlds cotton production.
  • The global cotton supply chain is investing in sustainability.

Lucy Farrand

3 months ago

6 min

Um Guia Simples Para Entender o Trigo

  • O trigo é incrivelmente variado, alimentando populações em todo o mundo.
  • Existem diversos tipos e usos para esse grão aparentemente simples.
  • Entender o trigo é importante para qualquer empresa que opere na cadeia de abastecimento alimentar.

Jolyon Hobby

3 months ago

4 min

A Simple Guide for Understanding Wheat

  • Wheat is fascinatingly varied, feeding populations across the globe.
  • There are many types of, and uses for, a seemingly simple grain.
  • A grasp of wheat is important for any business operating in the food supply chain.

Jolyon Hobby

3 months ago

4 min read

Estratégias de comércio de laticínios: Spreads de calendário

  • Como comprar futuros mais baratos estatisticamente identificados e vender futuros mais caros.
  • Analise a estrutura da curva e a sazonalidade para gatilhos de entrada/saída.
  • Os spreads de calendário podem ser usados para melhorar o hedge e explorar preços incorretos.

Tom Soutter

3 months ago

9 min read

Dairy Trading Strategies: Calendar Spreads

  • How to buy statistically identified cheaper futures and sell more expensive futures.
  • Analyze curve structure & seasonality for entry/exit triggers.
  • Calendar spreads can be used to enhance hedging and exploit mispricing.

Tom Soutter

3 months ago

8 min read

The Raw Sugar Futures July-October Spread

Welcome to the sixth instalment of Czapp’s course on futures market spreads. In previous explainers we looked at what a spread is, why they are relevant to market participants and analysts, and what the key drivers of futures market spreads are.

Jay Kindred

5 months ago

3 min read

The Raw Sugar Futures May-July Spread

Welcome to the fifth instalment of Czapp’s course on futures market spreads.

In previous explainers we looked at what a spread is, why they are relevant to market participants and analysts, and what the key drivers of futures market spreads are.

In this explainer we will cover the specific drivers of the No.11 raw sugar futures May-July spread.

Jay Kindred

5 months ago

4 min read

The Raw Sugar March-May Spread

Welcome to the fourth instalment of Czapp’s course on futures market spreads. In previous explainers we looked at what a spread is, why they are relevant to market participants and analysts, and what the key drivers of futures market spreads are.

In this explainer we will cover the specific drivers of the No.11 raw sugar futures March-May spread.

In upcoming explainers we will look what factors drive the remaining No.11 raw sugar futures spreads.

Jay Kindred

5 months ago

4 min read

The Raw Sugar October-March Spread

Welcome to the third instalment of Czapp’s course on futures market spreads.

In previous explainers we looked at what a spread is, why they are relevant to market participants and analysts, and what the key drivers of futures market spreads are.

In this explainer we will cover the specific drivers of the No.11 raw sugar futures October-March spread.

Jay Kindred

5 months ago

5 min read

Dairy Trading Strategies: Technicals

  • Technical Analysis uses market data patterns to try to predict trends.
  • Machine learning tools can help identify support and resistance levels.
  • Traders should consider fundamentals and beware of false signals.
Adelia Lei

Tom Soutter

6 months ago

5 min read