Maharashtra and Karnataka together form the largest sugar producing region in India.

Maharashtra grows around 0.6-1m ha of cane each year, with Karnataka contributing a further 400-600k ha.
The region therefore grows around 30% of India’s cane, but, cane acreage can be highly variable in these states owing to the weather and the cane growing cycle.
Mills in Maharashtra and Karnataka tend to be smaller than their counterparts in the north of India.
Maharashtrian mills (and to a lesser extent those in Karnataka) are located close to many of India’s west coast ports.
The region is also a surplus sugar producer and located far from the major sugar deficit regions of India.
As a result, most of India’s sugar exports come from Maharashtra and Karnataka.
For more information on Maharashtra and Karnataka’s sugar market, please subscribe to Czapp Premium.
This Czapp Explainer was Published on the 13th April 2021.
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