Insight Focus The Caribbean used to be a major sugar producing region....
Today No.11 opened at 18.32, a gap of 6 points below Friday’s settle...
Insight Focus Both No.11 and No.5 prices have fallen over the last wee...
Featuring 8 key futures markets that combined add up to more than 50% ...
Opinions Focus EU spot natural gas prices have more than halved in the...
Then weaker technical picture drew some opening selling into March’2...
Historical Spot Prices Cbio Market .
Insight Focus The difference between raw sugar and white sugar prices ...
Opinions Focus Domestic demand for US soybean oil is swamping supply. ...
Opening prints at unchanged were fleeting and the market soon settled ...
Insight Focus Domestic prices in Maharashtra have strengthened back to...
Insight Focus It’s still very dry in Southern China. Cane yields cou...