While No.11 was closed for the labour day holiday the whites had been ...
Insight Focus COVID restrictions continued to impact Chinese dairy con...
Insight Focus This year’s US beet harvest will be lower than hoped. ...
Insight Focus There is still a small production surplus expected in 20...
With No.11 closed for a US holiday the whites had freedom to continue ...
Oct’22 bolted out of the traps and traded up to 18.26 across the ope...
Insight Focus Raw sugar speculators cut short position for the 3rd tim...
Opinions Focus Cane area expansion still limited by cassava, corn, and...
Insight Focus Raw sugar open interest is the lowest in 5 years. Specul...
A weaker opening saw Oct’22 trading as low as 17.75 during the early...
Main Focus Ethanol price dropped 20% since last month. &nb...