Opinions Focus Northern Hemisphere wheat harvests are in their latter ...
No.11 market opened at 17.89, 6 points above the previous day’s ...
Insight Focus Colombia announces new health tax on beverages containin...
Insight Focus California drought could hit butter supply in Q4. US, Eu...
Opinion Focus Dry weather across Europe has played havoc with crops. L...
Insight Focus Exports of most fertilisers dropped by around 60%. Chine...
Insight Focus Tour lowers rainfall-based expectations for region’...
No.11 market opened with Oct’22 at 17.94, 15 points below Friday’s...
Insight Focus The No.11 net spec position has swung back towards neutr...
No.11 market opened with Oct’22 at 18.28, 4 points above the previou...
Insight Focus An extra 1.2m tonnes of Indian sugar exports have been p...