Re-export refiners play a crucial role in the global sugar market as i...
Last night we alluded to the fatigue being seen in the market followin...
Rates to truck sugar from mills to Santos port have sky-rocketed in th...
There was an immediate push higher on today’s opening as Oct’22 qu...
Insight Focus The No.11 has held around 19c/lb. Many recently opened s...
The morning played out within a narrow 10-point range either sid...
Insight Focus The world will need Indian sugar later in the year. In t...
No.11 Market Summary A lethargic opening saw us trading a touch lower ...
Insight Focus Indian mills cannot sell any more sugar for export the 2...
A slow morning was spent holding onto moderate gains, and with no fres...
The market chopped around a little during the opening hour however thi...