Sugar #11 May’22 As we trade closer to the March’22 cont...
In a week, the hydrous prices fell from 2.91 BRL/liters to 2.84 BRL/li...
Sugar #11 May’22 A choppy opening saw March’22 traded as high ...
Sugar #11 Mar’22 Yet another higher opening was quickly eradicat...
Sugar #11 Mar’22 Higher opening prints were erased within second...
The spec short has increased by over 22k lots to the highest level see...
Sugar #11 Mar’22 Following on from the choppy session seen yeste...
Sugar #11 Mar’22 Following on from the choppy session seen yeste...
Hydrous Ethanol prices registered a significant drop in the first few ...
Indian raw sugar exports are now workable below 19c for the first time...
Sugar #11 Mar’22 A steady start saw the usual array of hedge lif...
Sugar #11 Mar’22 An unchanged opening soon gave way to the lates...