This report is updated weekly, for daily information refer to our Busi...
Opening buying ensured that Oct’24 commenced trading at 20.31, h...
Insight Focus Raw sugar futures traded above 20c/lb. Speculators are n...
Insight Focus The harvest is in full flow thanks to a run of good weat...
There were some small losses to start the day off however the No.11 wa...
Insight Focus Worries about CS Brazil’s cane crush have propelle...
No.11 failed to follow the lead of white sugar during yesterday’...
Insight Focus Over 1 million tonnes of raw sugar was delivered into th...
This update is from Sosland Publishing Co.’s weekly Sweetener Re...
Following on from the strong market performance yesterday afternoon th...
This report is updated weekly, for daily information refer to our Busi...
It was an unconvincing start to the session for the whites as Oct&rsqu...