The PDF will be updated with the settlement of other commodities at 7p...
The record net speculative position has increased further throughout l...
The PDF will be updated with the settlement of other commodities at 7p...
Nominations picked up this week with 500kmt added to the CS line up; H...
The PDF will be updated with the settlement of other commodities at 7p...
Record short speculative positions have pushed both the raws and white...
Maharashtra reservoirs levels are at their highest since 2013. This pu...
The PDF will be updated with the settlement of other commodities at 7p...
The PDF will be updated with the settlement of other commodities at 7p...
Historical Spot Prices Fuel Market: Gasohol and Etha...
The PDF will be updated with the settlement of other commodities at 7p...
The No.11 net speculative positioning has reduced to a record -219k lo...