Today, in Mar’24, the market opened at 22.85, which was 3 points...
Insight Focus We estimate Thailand can export 4.7m tonnes in 2024. Sur...
An unchanged opening proved difficult to sustain and it was not long b...
A first print at unchanged quickly gave way as selling swamped the mar...
This report is updated weekly, for daily information refer to our Inte...
It was another weak start for May’24 as early trading saw ...
This update is from Sosland Publishing Co.’s weekly Sweetener Re...
As the index roll moves towards its end and with daily activitie...
Insight Focus Raw sugar futures reluctant to break above 24c/Ib. Specu...
Undeterred by recent failures to sustain above 24c the market was inst...
Insight Focus Cumulative rains from December to January have been the ...
Having failed to sustain above 24c the market started today’s se...