Insight Focus Ethanol prices have been below the cost of production si...
CZ: What Have you Been Up To Lately? Xiaoqing Ke: “I’ve been o...
A lower opening left a small gap on the intra-day chart, and with cons...
This report is updated weekly, for daily information refer to our Inte...
It was another slow start for the market this morning with prices init...
Having fallen back sharply from the 27.79 contract high mark on Friday...
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy but no guarantee is offe...
¡Regístrate ahora! Insight Focus The No.11 sugar futures...
Today No.11 market opened at 26.93, 5 points below yesterday’s settl...
Insight Focus China Reserve Exchange’s announcement sparked speculat...
No.11 began the day positively with an initial push up to 27c, the spe...
Insight Focus Wheat yields are down of the dry June and then the wet A...